Automate those Behaviors
Lately I have been helping create a baseline of testing automation where I work. Testing is hard for web application, and harder for front-ends of applications. Here is my thought process:
- Unit Level Testing
- Resides close to the code
- Mocking all dependencies, we just want to test our code.
- Written in the same language as the app
- Integration Level Testing
- Test the service hooked up to dependencies
- Validate that the services work together
- End User Acceptance Testing
- Test that the end user can perform product inspired features
- Validate that the application “works”
Interestingly enough, in thinking about this problem, I feel the integration testing, and the end user acceptance testing can be performed in a single pass. It makes sense, right? By testing “End to End” we are circumstantially testing the integration level of the application, right? What if we could combine these two layers of testing, maybe into Behavior Testing?
Lucky for use, Behavior Testing is a thing, that has been around for a little while. In fact, I believe Dan North was the one who finally “got it” when realizing that requirements == behaviors == what should be tested.
I would consider the Genesis for Behavior Testing being widely adopted resides with the success of the the cucumber project. Cucumber brought to the world an English representation of a behavior in a pars-able syntax called Gherkin.
“It is a business readable, domain specific language that lets you describe software’s behavior without detailing how that behavior is implemented”
As an example below, you can probably see the power of this syntax:
Feature: User's Can Register with the Service
Registrations are the gateway to our offerings, and are a must have
feature of the service. Registrations will include an email address
and a password which matches a set of rules for complexity ...
Scenario: A User Tries to Registers with an Invalid Password
Given a user with email address doesn't already exist in DB
When a user registers with email="" and password="fail"
Then the service should respond with status_code="400"
Wow, check that out. When was the last time you got features so clearly outlined and scenarios for each feature articulated like that? I already like this language.
The major win, right off the bat is very clear: Testing as a concept get’s put into the hands of the people who are responsible for testing. QA and Product can clearly work together to create these features files (i.e. documentation) about the product.
Alright, so how does this work under the hood… can’t just expect this language to magically start doing what the English says, right? Well each “Given”/”When”/”Then” step is taken, and then a map of regular expressions are applied to it from the underlying step definitions which is in a programming language.
Luckily for me, there are several python variants to choose from that can read in the Gherkin Language (the company I am at <3 python) so I started looking into Lettuce.
Below is a sample implementation of the Gherkin specified above for lettuce in python:
from lettuce import step, world
@step('a user with email address ([^\s]+) doesn\'t already exist in DB')
def user_does_not_exist_in_database(step, email_address):
# code to delete said user from database based on email_address
@step('a user registers with email="([^"]+)" and password=([^"]+)')
def user_registers(step, email_address, password):
# code to perform a registration against the site/api
world.registration_response = # the results from the registration
# store the response in "world" so we can access it later
# world is a lettuce global that is accessible from step to step
@step('the service should respond with status_code="([^"])"')
def user_registers(step, status_code):
# check the previous step for a proper response
assert world.registration_response.status_code == status_code
Now, by running lettuce the lettuce framework will run through each feature, and each scenario in those features and regex match the corresponding python code to run.
Major significance of this work can be boiled down to the following:
- Behaviors are thought out and defined by the right people
- Step code creation is very simple and straight forward
- Regression testing can be performed by running the test suite
- Truly, self documenting process
Major issues seen so far:
- Frameworks out there do not scale well - Try running a huge set of tests in lettuce, and watch memory grow uncontrollable… i dare you.
- Does it count as a full “behavior” test if we are manipulating database to initialize each test? Is it too clean-room to be a real test, or is setting up the state machine good enough?
Hope this was helpful to anyone.