golang concurrency empirical evidence
More Problems with Load
As I have mentioned in my prior posting, we are performing load testing at work specifically on our authentication system. While looking at the graphs we noticed that a huge amount of time was being spent performing bcrypt password hashing operations. (TODO: I will have to do a posting on how we implemented telemetry in our applications)
It almost seemed from the data like bcrypt was causing the login portion of the authentication service to start eating itself under load, to the point where the number of requests and spinning up of goroutines had blown right through the point of diminishing returns. The entire application started slowing down to the point where responses were taking several seconds to complete! Yikes.
It would seem that the golang concurrency was too much for itself!
To be fair, it is more likely that our naive hash checking could have been more optimized, as it turns out, authentication systems do a lot of password hash checking.
To mimic this scenario I created this gist to mimic what we were seeing and start to get numbers so we can turn the knobs.
I started with a very simple benchmark tests to get a feel for what the performance was and could be generally:
func BenchmarkSerial(b *testing.B) {
hash, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("super Secret!!!"), 10)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, []byte("some string"))
func BenchmarkAsManyGoroutinesPossible(b *testing.B) {
var done = make(chan bool)
hash, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("super Secret!!!"), 10)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
go func() {
bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, []byte("some string"))
done <- true
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
As seen above I performing benchmarks on a serial implementation base case, and then benchmarking using as many goroutines as I can. Below are the results of those two runs:
BenchmarkSerial-2 10 145922320 ns/op
BenchmarkAsManyGoroutinesPossible-2 20 78825761 ns/op
So far so good, my machine is a Core Two Duo ( don’t make fun ). We got what we expected, double the performance of doing it in a serial fashion.
I then started making a sample application as, possibly the runs in the golang benchmarking were too short and not making the test realistic. Plus there were not many knobs to turn.
Below is the sample application to test:
package main
import (
var (
concurrency int
bufsize int
workerpool int
mechanism string
func init() {
// parse the command line flags
flag.IntVar(&concurrency, "c", 15, "concurrency to run bcrypts")
flag.StringVar(&mechanism, "m", "max_out", "mechanism")
flag.IntVar(&bufsize, "b", 15, "buffer size")
flag.IntVar(&workerpool, "w", 1, "worker pool size")
func main() {
// create a bcrypted password
passwords := make(chan string, bufsize)
hash, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("super Secret!!!"), 10)
total := make(chan int)
count := 0
mainStart := time.Now()
go func() {
for {
count += <-total
if mechanism != "max_out" {
for i := 0; i < workerpool; i++ {
go func() {
for p := range passwords {
bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, []byte(p))
total <- 1
// hashcompare a bunch of becrypted passwords
for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
go func() {
// create anonymous goroutines up to number of concurrency
for {
// forever, make this goroutine just do
if mechanism == "max_out" {
bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(hash, []byte("some string"))
total <- 1
} else {
passwords <- "some string"
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("number of compares: %d\n", count)
fmt.Printf("time taken: %v\n", time.Now().Sub(mainStart))
Now this gives is more options; I can set the concurrency level, I can set if I want pure max_out goroutines or a buffered channel that goes to a fan-in worker pool, and I can set the size of the worker pool as well as the size of the fan-in buffer, all in 71 LOC.
Here we go, lets do some test runs:
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m max_out # 30 goroutines crunching bcrypts
number of compares: 61
time taken: 5.320700462s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 1 # 30 goroutines faning in to one worker on a buffer of 1
number of compares: 37
time taken: 5.000279935s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 2 # 30 goroutines faning in to one worker on a buffer of 2
number of compares: 37
time taken: 5.000272393s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 10 # 30 goroutines faning in to one worker on a buffer of 10
number of compares: 37
time taken: 5.000235865s
It is fairly obvious with one worker we get less work done than goroutines that could go on either of my 2 cpus. Lets up the workers next.
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 10 -w 2
number of compares: 69
time taken: 5.009044877s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 10 -w 3
number of compares: 70
time taken: 5.017078581s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 30 -m buffered -b 10 -w 4
number of compares: 69
time taken: 5.031552141s
Above you can see the fan in with a number of workers in the pool, and not too surprising we start loosing performance as we go above the number of cpus available. Okay, this is great, lets see what happens when we crank up concurrency on these two mechanisms (max_out goroutines versuses fan in worker pool):
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 90 -m buffered -b 10 -w 3
number of compares: 69
time taken: 5.034115806s
[husobee@localhost test-bcrypt]$ ./test-bcrypt -c 90
number of compares: 27
time taken: 5.691676655s
Wow. With just running bcrypt in 90 concurrent goroutines we quickly swamp our machine and half the number of results we were getting with a concurrency of 30.
In the mean time, our fan in buffered channel approach is able to sustain it’s near max of 69 bcrypts in 5 seconds with the exact same concurrency, and not slow down it’s processing.
I guess this behavior makes sense, as if you keep the cpu’s worrying about one bcrypt operation at a time, and not causing them to flip their stacks all the time you can get better results.