CORS in Golang
Dealing Ajax Cross Origin
Fairly recently at work I had the need to perform some ajax calls from a Single Page JS Application to a Go Web Service hosted on another domain, as the enterprise spans organizations, and BLAM, CORS Errors all over my browser console…
CORS stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing, and consists of a handshake of cryptic headers (usually) from a browser to a web api server. The handshake isn’t well known, and usually people just “enable” cors in the web server, and all is right with the world again. Here is how the handshake breaks down:
- Javascript Application initiates a XHR Request
- Browser intercepts request and sends the web server a “Preflight” request
- Preflight consists of sending an OPTIONS request to the resource with “Origin” header set, and optionally other useful headers about the request which is to come, such as the Request Method and potential Request Headers
- Server replies with the “Appropriate” response headers to the OPTIONS call stipulating what the browser should allow.
- Browser gets the results of the Preflight and decides if the XHR Request should be allowed.
- Browser sends the request, or doesn’t
Preflight Request
This is really a strange thing. Basically the API isn’t in charge of restricting the request, the API tells the browser what the browser should or should not do. I had a hard time wrapping my head around this. Below I will break down the preflight CORS request in more detail:
OPTIONS /hello/4321 HTTP/1.1
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET
Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-Z-Header
In the above, we initiate the preflight by making an HTTP call with OPTIONS to “/hello/4321” with an HTTP header “Origin:”. The Origin header is what tells the web server we have a Cross Origin request. Effectively, you can think of this HTTP request as saying “Hey, I am coming from X, What can I do on this resource?”
The two other headers sent in the request ask more about what this origin is allowed to do. Access-Control-Request-Method specifically calls out the method the user-agent is going to request in the follow-up XHR Request. In our example we are doing a preflight for a “GET /hello/4321”.
The second Access-Control header is asking if this domain can use particular headers in this request.
Preflight Response
Responses to CORS Preflight requests tell the browser what the capabilities are for the script from a different origin than the api servers. Below is a response to our request from above.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Z-Header
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Header, X-Y-Header
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 19:27:53 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
As any good OPTIONS call does, we get a 200 Status OK response from the server, as well as an Allow header which specifies all the allowed methods for this resource.
The CORS specific headers are explained here:
- Access-Controll-Allow-Origin
- This is the first header the browser checks. If the Server responds with this header, and the origin matches the origin given, or “*” then this origin is on the server’s list of approved origins. Without this, the browser MUST not send the follow-up actual request, as it was denied
- Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
- This header indicates that the user-agent is allowed to attach third party cookies, and or Authorization headers to the follow-up HTTP request, as the server states credentials are acceptable from that origin.
- Access-Control-Max-Age
- This header indicates that the maximum age for cached content is set to this value.
- Access-Control-Expose-Headers
- This header indicates the headers that can be exposed to the script from this origin.
- Access-Control-Allow-Methods
- This header tells the browser the list of allowed methods for this origin in the follow-up request.
- Access-Control-Allow-Headers
- This header tells the browser the list of headers that are allowable in the follow-up request.
Failure Conditions
The CORS processing on the server follows a very simple pipeline enumerated:
- Check Origin header value if origin is allowed, if not allowed, stop, and respond without any Access-Control headers in response.
- Check if the Origin is allowed to send credentials, if so, add “Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true”, if not allowed, do not send Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header in response.
- Check the Access-Control-Request-Method, if requested method is allowed for a given resource, respond with either a list of all allowed methods for that origin, or the requested method.
- Check the Access-Control-Request-Headers, respond with an intersection of the requested headers and the allowed headers configured on the server.
Failures in Current Implementations
In go, many try to “solve” cors with a Preflight middleware that has a global CORS policy. This flies in the face of the purpose of CORS, which is to protect Cross Origin Resource Sharing. The spirit of CORS lives in the capabilities of the individual resources. This means you MUST have a resource aware CORS implementation in my opinion.
CORS in vestigo
I have implemented a per resource CORS policy, which extends from a global CORS policy in the vestigo router project. Below is an example.
// Setting up router global CORS policy
// These policy guidelines are overriddable at a per resource level shown below
AllowOrigin: []string{"*", ""},
AllowCredentials: true,
ExposeHeaders: []string{"X-Header", "X-Y-Header"},
MaxAge: 3600 * time.Second,
AllowHeaders: []string{"X-Header", "X-Y-Header"},
// setting two methods on the same resource
router.Get("/welcome", GetWelcomeHandler)
router.Post("/welcome", PostWelcomeHandler)
// URL parameter "name"
router.Post("/welcome/:name", PostWelcomeHandler)
// Below Applies Local CORS capabilities per Resource (both methods covered)
// by default this will merge the "GlobalCors" settings with the resource
// cors settings. Without specifying the AllowMethods, the router will
// accept any Request-Methods that have valid handlers associated
router.SetCors("/welcome", &vestigo.CorsAccessControl{
AllowMethods: []string{"GET"}, // only allow cors for this resource on GET calls
AllowHeaders: []string{"X-Header", "X-Z-Header"}, // Allow this one header for this resource
It should be immediately obvious how you can specifically have more fine grained control of sensitive endpoints. A benefit of using the vestigo router with CORS is, by default vestigo understands the abilities of the resources as it is doing the routing and knows which methods are already implemented or not.
I have found this implementation of CORS in golang the most sane implementation and allows for you to follow the CORS specification better.