Golang http middleware implementation in 7 LOC
I was recently asked, how I would implement a http middleware scheme in golang. As is probably fairly evident by my online writing, I am a person of simplicity and always opt for the simple solution, with the least magic. Below is my middleware solution:
// middleware - a type that describes a middleware, at the core of this
// implementation a middleware is merely a function that takes a handler
// function, and returns a handler function.
type middleware func(http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc
// buildChain - a function that takes a handler function, a list of middlewares
// and creates a new application stack as a single http handler
func buildChain(f http.HandlerFunc, m ...middleware) http.HandlerFunc {
// if there are no more middlewares, we just return the
// handlerfunc, as we are done recursing.
if len(m) == 0 {
return f
// otherwise pop the middleware from the list,
// and call build chain recursively as it's parameter
return m[0](buildChain(f, m[1:cap(m)]...))
// ... later in the code when we are setting up the router
// set up awesome router ;)
router := vestigo.NewRouter()
router.Get("/v:version/private", buildChain(f,
// ... later in code when defining a middleware
// AuthMiddleware - takes in a http.HandlerFunc, and returns a http.HandlerFunc
var AuthMiddleware = func(f http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
// one time scope setup area for middleware
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// ... pre handler functionality
fmt.Println("start auth")
f(w, r)
fmt.Println("end auth")
// ... post handler functionality
The above 7 line middleware implementation is very flexible and when you think of a middleware as functions that call other functions you can do some pretty interesting things. This is all possible due to the fact that functions are first class citizens in golang. Here is a sample implementation.