Getting Code Coverage from External Testing
External Testing
In past posts I have talked a bit about behavior testing. I honestly feel like this is the best way to clearly articulate across functional teams, namely product, quality assurance and development, the requirements and expected behaviors a software system should obey. Up until last week I had always maintained that unit tests are there for coverage, and behavior tests are there to make the company happy we are performing as expected with our software systems. I mean it can’t possibly be practical to get real server code coverage from a consumer, or external testing solution, right…
Golang Coverage
Ever wonder how go test -cover
gives you your code’s coverage? Well, under
the hood, go test -cover
actually compiles your executable, but before it
compiles the code, the cover tool actually re-writes your code with various
telemetry needed. An excellent primer can be found here.
Armed with this story, I set out on some experimentation to see if it was possible to actually see a coverage report from the copious volumes of behavior testing the company has been amassing. My first inkling is to see if there was a way to generate a static executable with all of the coverage magic built into it. Turns out that is really easy, as seen below(and on this gist):
# first to see if we can make an executable
# the -c flag tells the test tool to compile by name
# and the -o flag tells the test tool to just output
# the executable created from the go tests, instead of running
go test -c main.go main_test.go -o test-able-exe
# armed with this, lets actually build in the coverage magic
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -c main.go main_test.go -o test-able-exe
This is great. Now lets figure out how we can wrap our main()
function in a
test so we can make a running http server that will collect this code coverage
telemetry. Below is the main.go I have created to accomplish this, with comments
inline explaining what is going on.
package main
import (
var (
// srv is tylerb's graceful server, which allows us to turn the
// server off at will within the code. This is super handy for
// us because we want to be able to end our test, in order for
// go's testing framework to report the coverage (no good if
// the service is interrupted or canceled or terms)
srv = &graceful.Server{
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
// stop is a channel that tells the service to stop. As seen
// later we will make a highly destructive deathblow endpoint
// so that in test we can conclude the test and turn the service off.
stop chan bool
// testMode is a bool that allows for deathpunch endpoint to exist or
// not exist... we don't want that running in production ;)
testMode bool = false
// runMain - entry-point to perform external testing of service, this is
// where go test will enter main. we have to setup test mode in here, as
// well as the stop channel so we can stop the service
func runMain() {
// start the stop channel
stop = make(chan bool)
// put the service in "testMode"
testMode = true
// run the main entry point
go main()
// watch for the stop channel
// stop the graceful server
srv.Stop(5 * time.Second)
// main - main entry point
func main() {
// setup middlware stack
n := negroni.Classic()
// setup routes
router := vestigo.NewRouter()
// endpoints
router.Post("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if false {
// we should see this endpoint not covered
// if we hit the /test endpoint externally
fmt.Println("totally never getting here")
// all of the above is basic boring service setup stuff.
// only if we are in testMode should we attempt to add the death blow
if testMode {
// death blow endpoint - endpoint that will stop the service if stop is
// a live channel (only live if started from RunMain)
router.Post("/deathblow", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// end the graceful server if being run from RunMain()
stop <- true
// add our router to negroni
// graceful start/stop server
srv.Server = &http.Server{Addr: ":1234", Handler: n}
// serve http
The Test!
Armed with the above design, you can already see what the test will look like,
basically a “TestMain” function that kicks off runMain()
. The normal
go build
command will never run runMain()
and thereby not setup the
deathblow endpoint that kills the service. Below is our super easy test:
package main
import (
// TestMain - test to drive external testing coverage
func TestMain(t *testing.T) {
Pretty simple! Our new commands to build a coverage enabled executable are as follows:
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -c main.go main_test.go -o test-able-exe
./test-able-exe -test.coverprofile=coverage.out -test.v
# or all condensed using go test as follows:
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -run=TestMain
# in another terminal run these two curl statements:
curl -XPOST
curl -XPOST
# we can then feel the coverage into the go cover tool to get various outputs:
go tool cover -func=coverage.out
codecovergist/main.go:22: runMain 100.0%
codecovergist/main.go:35: main 92.3%
total: (statements) 94.4%
Hopefully you can impress your local QA peeps by giving them code coverage for all of your external testing! Have fun!